First ever blog entry!
Thought about a blog to express views to a larger hopefully accommodating audience..
As the title suggests, my blog will consist of things which we in our hectic daily pursuits fail to spare a second glance. For to observe a thing another time is to spare it a second thought. A second thought is a largely honourable gift for objects which we might never see again but it is that very thought which gives us an opportunity to set it down into our minds and in days of seldom company and even seldom thoughts we remember them as fascinating things which for a brief minute had given us a refreshing change from our monotonous thought processes.
How many things are worth our second thoughts?
=> A warm cup of coffee
Thought about a blog to express views to a larger hopefully accommodating audience..
As the title suggests, my blog will consist of things which we in our hectic daily pursuits fail to spare a second glance. For to observe a thing another time is to spare it a second thought. A second thought is a largely honourable gift for objects which we might never see again but it is that very thought which gives us an opportunity to set it down into our minds and in days of seldom company and even seldom thoughts we remember them as fascinating things which for a brief minute had given us a refreshing change from our monotonous thought processes.
How many things are worth our second thoughts?
=> A warm cup of coffee
An espresso or latte is something we barely pass a thought to but on a nice rainy day it's an elixir worthy of the gods!
=> The Rain
After a blistering summer the monsoon is nothing short of a treat. These torrential delights are something of a nuisance to the average busybody but how many countless childhood hours have been devoted to the singular pleasure of all the mischief this season offers? Of paper boats and rain dance and the ubiquitous umbrella fights!!
~Sydney J Harris"When we have 'second thoughts' about something, our first thoughts don't seem like thoughts at all - just feelings."
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