Thursday 27 March 2014


Back again after a long time. Actually so long that I might had forgotten about this blog entirely... We often take up projects that are close to our hearts and with the passage of time often abandon them to rot. Very few of us have been able to manage to sustain them long enough. Going along with the theme of this blog I thought that I'd have a fresh look at the this blog itself.

Why did I even start this blog in the first place?

Screenshot of my first entry

If you can see that first entry I posted, it was meant to add to the measures I was taking to reinforce my dwindling writing. I myself am surprised at the things I had written. The blog itself was an attempt by me to look at the various things I had taken for granted and analyse them as a fresh new thing. We are often stumped when asked about the things we take around with us, we don't bother much with them. A new smartphone, laptop, book, partner; we often think the world of them in the beginning. A few years later we become people we do not recognise. Often at these times we never look back and list down the things that made us fall in love in the first place.

I for one started this blog with the intention of it being my creative outlet, a place for me which would force me to look at those things which I had neglected in the first place and make me see the wonder in them. Even now when I go through the old posts I am relieved and sometimes aggrieved to see the level of change in me.  I am also amused by the pattern of my posts which had three pictures at least and one quote in the end. Hopefully this might change for the better, I'll let the words speak more than the pictures. I'll keep the quotes though, I like that. 

So say anything you will, change is good but a change for change's sake is not. We have to see what we loved about ourselves to love us now. Often enough we find our old selves within us, just buried by new soil. Digging through that is worth the treasure inside.

The greatest explorer on this earth never takes voyages as long as those of the man who descends to the depth of his heart.  
~Julien Green

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