Sunday, 3 August 2014


Dear Friend,

We might not have met in the most friendliest of circumstances, even with the constant denial we know we did not have entirely positive views in the beginning. Now look at us! We lament every missed weekend not spent in each other's company, is there a secret we do not know about each other? Do you not turn to me, and I to you at the end of the day? You've grown from friend, to best friend, to sister. At the core of the matter, however, is the fact that we are friends through and through.

People around us say, that a guy and girl can never be "just friends", that a platonic relationship with an unrelated female is just fiction. We have been proving them wrong consistently, and in future too they will see the error of their ways. Who are they after all? They never travelled our path, took our journeys. People in the shadows who will never realise the things we have been through. We just turn a blind eye and deaf ear. Your fiery spirit would, however, prevent you from having a mute mouth. They will get what they deserve, but this is not about them. This is an ode to our continuous friendship. It stands testament to the fact that it is not the length of time spent together that makes friendship. I have had you as my friend for quite long, but not long enough. Would we have been such great friends if we had met earlier? Absolutely!

Today is Friendship Day in this timezone, what an opportune moment to say that I am indeed blessed to have you to fall back on. I know, guys do not say much, most of us do not wear our hearts on our sleeves, but the only time we do reveal ourselves is to our best friends. We have seen each other at our best and worst and yet there is more to come. So, take this as my version of a Friendship Day card. Cheers to us. Priya, have a great life and as usual I'll always be there to celebrate and console. The reverse is true, without need for mention.
A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out
~Walter Winchell 

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